Professional Attire Guidelines
Dress Code for Meetings with Guests and Site Visits
At a minimum, students should dress to Level 5 - Baseline Casual (see image below) for meetings with guests and Corporate Partner Mentors on site.
If a higher dress code is warranted, we will let you know in the invitation of the meeting.
You should not wear the following when we have visitors:
sweat pants
crop tops
ripped or dirty jeans
Additional guidelines from Indeed are listed here.

Assignment Detail
Purdue Students
Purdue West Lafayette student should submit a photo of level 1-3 business attire to Gradescope.
Level 3: Executive Casual
Level 2: Traditional Business Attire
Level 1: Boardroom Attire
Don’t have business professional attire? Please visit CCO Career Closet for a FREE business attire.
If you are unable to visit the CCO Career Closet or can’t get access to business attire, please contact your TA.